2014年8月28日 星期四

Mission Complete - The End

     After hearing the story, they were touched and decided to help the leader. They walked to the beach and saw the leader sitting on a piece of wood.

     “Leader, sorry for being so impolite! We promise to help you find Queen Erica, but you must help us to find the way back home,” said Gavin.

     The leader was excited to hear that and quickly led Amy and Gavin to his secret room. In his room, there were many bottles of magical potions and colorful powder. The two kids were amazed and asked the leader curiously, “What are these?”

     Holding a strange bottle, the leader replied, “Wherever we want to go, this yellowish powder can serve the purpose.”

     Soon, the leader cast a spell and sprinkled the powder on the floor. Ding! In a flash of seconds, the house began to spin. When it stopped rotating, they found themselves standing in Gavin’s room.

     The leader said, “Now, bring me to Queen Erica! Hurry up! I can’t wait anymore!”

     “Come with me. We’re going to take a taxi to the palace,” Gavin said, taking a few bucks from his cashbox and left his house with the leader and Amy. Immediately, he called a taxi and went straight to the palace in ten minutes.

     Standing in front of the huge golden gate, they requested to see the queen. Yet, the two soldiers stopped them rudely.

     When all of them were upset, the clever Amy suddenly grabbed Gavin’s money and handed it to the soldiers.

     Feeling satisfied, the soldiers willingly pressed the button and the gate opened automatically.

     The soldiers led them to the queen’s room and asked, “Your Majesty, three kids requested to see you this morning. They have been begging us for hours. Because of their sincerity, I believe that they have something important to inform you. Therefore, I led them in.”

     Soon, a very short woman with a golden crown in an elegant dress was coming out gracefully. The moment when she saw the leader, she was stunned. The leader cried out uncontrollably, “My dear sister, how are you?”

     The queen couldn’t control her emotion and wept. Tears were running down her eyes nonstop. They looked at each other for seconds and suddenly they rushed towards each other and hugged together tightly. 

     Seeing this touching scene, Gavin and Amy were pleased.

     Soon, the leader lived with his sister and helped the queen to rule the country. Due to his smart governing, he gained popularity from the citizens and one day, he became the king of Tingland. Erica was glad that someone could replace her to rule the country.  

     Gavin and Amy were given a big house and they lived comfortably ever after.  

2014年5月16日 星期五

The Conflicts between the Dwarfs and Gavin

      Suddenly, the dwarf leader took out a sharp knife from the waist belt and pointed it at Gavin.

      “Bring me to Tingland at once! This is an order,” shouted him anxiously, forgetting about his appropriate attitude and politeness.

      Seeing that the leader behaved rudely, Gavin was angry.

      “You’ve no right to command me! You’re just a dwarf!” Gavin cried loudly, rising on his feet quickly.

      Hearing that, all the dwarfs were furious about what he said. The leader ordered his little men to catch the two giants at once and tie their hands with some thick ropes. However, the ropes were just like threads for them. They gave an eye contact to each other and cleverly pretended that they couldn’t move but waited for a golden chance to escape.

      When it was sunset and they were seen by no one, Gavin and Amy loosened the rope easily and escaped. They left the room and went towards the beach.

      Suddenly, they heard the leader crying. They quickly hid behind the tree and saw the leader was drunk.

      “Oh, my dear sister Erica! I miss you so much after not seeing you for over 10 years. Where have you been? What are you doing now? I hope the two giants I caught can bring me to see you,” cried the leader miserably with tears.

      Gavin and Amy were curious about what they heard. So, they went back to the dwarfs’ home.

     The dwarfs were shocked to see them back. Some dwarfs appeared happy to know that they were safe and free. They told them about the story of their leader and his sister Erica.

2014年4月11日 星期五

A Poor Monkey and a Cunning Lion

      One day, a monkey was caught by a lion while he was walking in the forest. The monkey begged the lion to let him go. He promised to catch a rabbit for him. The lion agreed but he did not trust the monkey. He hid behind the tree to observe the poor monkey while he was digging a hole. He then covered the hole with leaves.

      Soon, a rabbit passed by and asked the monkey what he was doing. The monkey replied that there were some delicious carrots under the leaves. The hungry rabbit was happy to hear that and immediately jumped into the hole. At once, she noticed that it was a trap but it was too late.

      Unluckily, the lion lied to the monkey and ate both of them. In the end, the monkey regretted that he wrongly trusted the cunning lion.

2014年3月21日 星期五

A Journey looking for Erica - Part Two

      When he was awake, he found himself in a fancy land where there were many simple but nicely designed houses built on the trees. Suddenly, he was surprised to see that her sister Amy was chatting happily with a group of dwarfs.

      All the dwarfs were wearing tall hats and each of them wearing clothes in different colors. They looked friendly and cute, like the 3-year old children. The picture in front of Gavin was a pretty one. There were green bushes and the colorful dwarfs were moving everywhere.

      A dwarf saw Gavin wake up and asked, “Are you okay? Your sister Amy is worried about you.” At the same time, a group of dwarfs came and they were gossiping about Gavin. They looked curious about the stranger.

      Suddenly, Gavin heard some loud footsteps and then came another dwarf who was much taller than the others. He looked powerful and a lot older than the rest, with a black eye-mask covering his left eye. While he was walking towards Gavin, a dwarf shouted loudly, “Our leader is coming! Please salute!”

      At once, all the dwarfs stood up neatly, gave a deep bow and saluted respectfully.

      Seeing the sudden and magnificent greeting by so many dwarfs, Gavin was shocked with amazement. His immediate reaction was to look at the leader nervously, seeing what was going to happen next.

      The leader walked towards Gavin and was trying to hold Gavin up.  He asked, “Who are you? Where are you from? Are you from the Giant Land, the one mentioned in our legend?

      “No, I’m from Tingland, which is a country on the Earth,” Gavin replied while pointing to Amy, “and this is my sister.”  

      The leader was puzzled because it was his first time to hear this place. “Are you the king of Tingland?”

      “Of course, not. I’m just a student in Tingland, but we have Queen Erica,” Gavin said proudly.

      All the dwarfs were surprised to hear that and the dwarf leader was shocked and looked agitated. He could hardly speak a word. Suddenly, he turned to Gavin and said impulsively, “Where is Erica now? I must see her at once.”

2014年3月14日 星期五

Amy and His Brother Gavin - Part 1

      Amy was a secondary school girl with ordinary appearance. However, she did well at school and liked reading novels. She had an elder brother called Gavin who was greedy and money loving. He always dreamed of earning a lot of money. However, he cared and loved his sister Amy very much. He always protected her so that no one could bully her. Also, he liked sharing his own trouble with her.  

      One day, they went to the river for fun. Suddenly, Amy discovered something golden swimming in the river. She thought it was a gold fish so she intended to jump into the river and caught it. Immediately, Gavin stopped her.

      “No! It’s dangerous. There may be some hungry crocodiles in the river,” warned Gavin.

      “Hey, I don’t care. Let me go or the golden ‘fish’ will disappear,” replied Amy running towards the river.

      Amy was running so quickly that she suddenly tripped over and fell into the river.

      “Amy, don’t be afraid. I’m coming to save you,” shouted Gavin nervously. Immediately he stooped down and stretched out his hand, trying to catch Amy.
Suddenly, a guy wearing black clothes pushed Gavin and he fell into the river as well. The guy laughed wickedly.

      Gavin ignored the guy because he only aimed at saving Amy. Yet, Amy was carried away by the strong current and was nowhere to be seen. Gavin went crazy because he knew there was a waterfall in front of him. He thought both of them were going to die so he closed his eyes and prayed earnestly. He cried out, “Jesus, help us!”

      In no time, Gavin found himself falling down from a high place with the strong current and he fainted…