2013年6月27日 星期四

An Adventure to the Gorilla's Family - The End

Suddenly, the gorilla mother rushed out angrily, thinking that Beth and Tom were going to hurt Emily. Immediately, Emily stopped her and explained to her in human language.  Beth and Tom were shocked to find that the gorilla could speak human words.  After listening to the explanation, the gorilla calmed down slowly and invited Beth and Tom to her home.

The home looked simple and was constructed with wood from the trees.  While they were chatting happily, suddenly they heard some shooting sounds, “Bang, bang, bang!”

Many hunters were standing outside their home and pointing their long guns at their way.  Suddenly, the strongest man shouted, “Come out, I know you’re inside.  Otherwise, I’ll kill your whole family!”

Emily was very worried and was reluctant to let her mother leave.  Therefore, Emily went out to face the hunters instead.

The hunters were surprised to see a pretty, young girl coming out of the gorilla’s house.  The strong one said cruelly, “Since you already come out, you’ll be killed to replace your mother!”

The moment when the hunter raised his gun and got ready to shoot, the gorilla mother suddenly dashed out and hugged Emily tightly.  Unluckily, the hunter already fired his gun and the bullet went through the body of the gorilla mother and then went inside Emily’s heart. Finally, they died together, embracing each other.

Tom saw the whole incident and was sad with anger. So he took a cutter from his school bag and ran towards the hunter.  He stabbed the cutter repeatedly into the heart of the hunter and the hunter fell down at once and died.

The other hunters saw what Tom had done and they shot at him at the same time. Tom collapsed with tears in his eyes. Then, the hunters went away indifferently and coldly.

Beth saw everything and cried out loudly.  She learnt that she should treasure her parents, especially her mother because she was old and loved her deeply.  Although Beth was upset, she was grateful to have a warm home and a caring family.

2013年6月21日 星期五

An Adventure to the Gorilla's Family - Part 2

“Oh my God!” Beth cried out and was shocked, pointing at the opposite hill, “Tommy, look at that girl who is standing there.  She’s exactly like you! Is she your sister?”

“Don’t be silly!  She had died already and I saw her rolling down the cliff with my own eyes,” Tommy cried sadly, looking at Beth.

Suddenly, a soft voice appeared. “Tommy, Tommy, I’m your dear sister! I miss you very much. I miss our home!”

Tommy was scared to hear the voice and looked around to find who was speaking.  He saw a girl who was exactly like his sister.

“Are you really my sister, Emily?” Tommy wondered.

“Of course I’m.  While I was falling down the cliff, a gorilla picked me up.  She’s taken good care of me as her old child for five years. Now I’m 15 years old. Please visit my home and see my gorilla’s family!” Emily explained to her brother in details.    


2013年6月14日 星期五

An Adventure to the Gorilla's Family - Part 1

In the 200th century, there lived a rich family in America.  There were three girls and the smallest one was called Beth.  She liked wandering on the street because she enjoyed no freedom at home.  She had a strict mother who always controlled her.  This made her feel sad. 

However, she sometimes saw the poor girls playing happily and freely with one another on the street.  She admired them very much because she couldn’t.

One day, while she was walking along the street, she met a poor boy called Tommy, who was dark-skinned and in ragged clothes.  He sold newspapers every day for his dad.
After a few days, they became good friends.

The next day, Tommy invited Beth to a secret place.  Beth agreed.  Soon, they arrived to the top of a hill.  Tommy said, “This is the place where I experienced the happiest and the saddest moments.  I once played happily with my elder sister but she fell down the cliff and has never been seen again…. ”  Tommy sobbed.

“Oh my God!” Beth cried out.