2013年12月25日 星期三

John and a Mysterious Tiger - Part 3

      “I don’t trust you because you’re a tiger. All tigers are cunning so you'll eat me sooner or later,” he replied nervously while retreating backward because of his fear of the tiger.

      Suddenly, a fierce bear was behind the tree and was going to attack him. The bear couldn’t see the tiger because it was blocked by John’s body.

      At that moment, the tiger reacted swiftly.  He roared loudly and was going to throw himself on the bear. However, John thought the tiger was going to attack him.

      “You’re a liar…you said you would protect me instead of eating me,” yelled John.  Just the moment he turned back to escape, he saw the big bear fleeing away from the tiger. 
      John was scared and remained stiff for a few seconds. He then came to his sense that the tiger was a reliable and kind-hearted friend.

   They became good friends and lived together for a few days.  Mr. Perfect finally accepted John because he saw the good nature of John. The three friends developed a close relationship with one another.

