2014年1月17日 星期五

Little Penguin Peter's Journey - Part 2

      Finally, Peter arrived at the top of the mountain. He was exhausted and lay on the ground weakly. After some rest, he stood up again and continued to look for the witch’s home.  Suddenly, he discovered a well-designed cave with a doorplate written, “The Witch’s Home”.

      “Oh, this is my destination but it looks a bit scary,” he thought with a mixed feeling of fear and excitement. 

      While he was walking into the cave, he saw the witch stirring magic potion.

      “Ah ha, here you come. I’ve been waiting for you for ages because I saw you in my crystal ball and I know you need my help,” said the witch Rihanna happily.

      “Yes, I really need you so much, Miss Rihanna!” cried Peter excitedly, bowing his head down to show his respect.

      “What’s your problem, penguin?” asked Rihanna.

      “My friends always tease me because of my fear of coldness. I hate that! May I request you to help me solve this problem, Miss Rihanna?” begged Peter.

      The witch nodded her head, waved her wand and at the same time uttered the spell, “Boo boo boo!”

      Suddenly, Peter felt strong dizziness and fainted. When he was awake, he saw a kind and pretty girl standing in front of him.

      “Hi, are you feeling alright, Mr? I’m Abby,” greeted the girl.

      “Hi, I’m Peter. I feel dizzy and I’m going to fall down. Please hold me up,” said Peter, who didn’t know that he already turned into a young man.

       The moment when he stretched his arm to Abby, he was shocked to notice that he has a human hand.

      “Oh, who am I? Why am I not a penguin? Why can I talk to a human?” shouted Peter nervously.

